Mar 5, 2008

Graffiti In Brunei

Graffiti in Brunei Time, successfully made by Jeff Ibrahim and Brian Idris, owner of The Origin Artistic Management. It covers 3 pages, mentioning on the graff scene that is happening rite now in Brunei.

You can see Cyde2's piece, Tag01's mural and if you look closely at the first page you can see some of the local throw ups at the underground basement.

You can read more in the Brunei Time which was released on the 23rd February 08.

Feb 25, 2008

A Sketch

A sketch i did for my colleague, Tracy, but its still a sketch and she wants it to be more redefine. So il be posting up more sketches soon if i have the time to do. Oh this sketch is for the upcoming battle of the bands 2008 =) hehe siuk2. From now on since i just started to go back to school, its ganna be hard to do any piece or anything, haha so expect to see nothing.

Feb 3, 2008

ASEAN Art Exhibition 2008

Went to the ASEAN art exhibition last two days. Its of course art done by artist from all over ASEAN, from Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Philippine and not to forget Brunei also joined in. The portraits are mostly to show what is actually happening right now in our country and all over ASEAN, which is portrayed beautifully and not to forget really informative. If you guys want to look at more portraits from the ASEAN artist you can go to the Brunei Museum at Kota Batu, however 5th Feb 08 is the last day of the exhibition hehehehehe. You can also take pictures but only for the portraits, but leave your cameras and a phone with built in cameras in the lockers if your going to the other exhibition!! Thank you to Gzul and Vincent psl mendangankan. Oh and guys i lost my phone so dont bother to contact me. Wawawiwawawawoooooo

Jan 22, 2008

Great Sunday

Had a paint session with Cyde02 NGB and Saint HOD last Sunday, 20th of Jan 08. It was a great day!! Mwahaha this is my first piece in 2008, soon there will be more, cause its easy now since i am the coordinator gagagaga, My piece is the one in green.The pics aren't that great coz my hands were shaking and the lighting and everything!!.TAGONE happy Bday Yoo!! wazzzaaaaaaaaa

Dec 26, 2007


HAHAHA i actually did this head..its major factor in producing it;my face and from a movie called "The Mask"..nah NYCE haha puas hati mu?? hahaha thats all for this month...HAPPPYYYY NEWW YEARRRR SUCKKERSS hahaha


Yohhh siap dah haha..jus got it like 1 week ago..haha..its nice, the printing's nice , the colours' nice but the cutting its just too damn small!! so i need to redo it..but its still fine i guess..

Wardrobe and DVD

This is my wardrobe, my personal tag is soon to be painted, maybe next month if i have the time to do so..The DVD is called Bomb The System.yeah baby!! its a graff movie..its a story of Blest,Buk 50 and Lune on how they live within the city as graff artist! haha bomb the system..u can buy it at the local store 'coomunis gadong' or u can just borrow it from me